Springbuds Update | February 2023

We have many new updates to share with you about our Springbuds Program. Keep reading to learn what our Springbuds have been up to lately.

Whenever we have Springbuds that are old enough to graduate from our Shihaphumi home and head to our home in Dimapur, the staff puts on a “Farewell Dinner.” These 3 Springbuds recently graduated from the younger home and enjoyed their special dinner before they head to Dimapur.

Two of our Springbuds in Dimapur — Viboli and Namasen — got to participate in a special cultural song/dance at the school’s recent jubilee!

Springbuds at school!

Meet Loinoli! She is 5 years old. Her father passed away when she was just 5 days old. She has 7 other siblings but her mother eloped with another man and is now excommunicated from the village due to her poor moral behavior. All of her siblings are quite young and not able to take care of her. When her uncle approached us about helping we immediately took her in. We’re so grateful to be able to help precious children like Loinoli.

Meet Akivi! After his father passed away his mother remarried a man from her own tribe and left him at her aunt's house. Since the aunt was childless, his mother left him believing she could take care of them. However, his aunt is very poor and unable to take care of herself, let alone him. Since she lives in a village nearby Shihapumi, she approached us to see if he could help. Thanks to many generous donations we were able to immediately say “Yes!”

Wrapping Up

Thank you for investing in our Springbuds program. Because of you, we’re able to take new Springbuds in, invest in their lives, send them to school, and share the Gospel with them on a daily basis.

If you want to learn more about our Springbuds program, just click here.

Our First Update of 2023!

Welcome to our first update of 2023! Whether you’re a long time supporter of REAP or brand new to our work, we’re glad you’re here reading and following along.

We share an update like this every single month with stories, information on our church planters and Springbuds program, as well as ways you can pray for the entire REAP team.

Pastor Pradeepa in Karnataka

Pictured at the far left of the photo above is Pastor Pradeepa along with a new family in the area that he has recently connected with. It is not always easy to make inroads with new families who can be skeptical of Christianity, but thankfully, he was able to share some with this family and they were receptive. So much so that they invited Pastor Pradeepa to their home. Pray over Pastor Pradeepa as he ministers to this family and many others and that they would continue to be receptive to the Gospel.

New Bibles for the Springbuds

We are so thankful for the people of Berean Bible Church who donated enough Bibles to gift every single Springbud a new one! Our 10th-12th grade students are currently going through spiritual coaching classes as well.

New Springbuds in Dimapur

Our Springbuds program consists of two different locations and homes. One houses our elementary school-aged children and the other our middle and high school students. These younger Springbuds — Aosafu, Chillio S & Loni Kath — just recently made the transition to Dimapur where our older children live.

Wrap up

Thank you for taking the time to read our latest updates! Be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter if you haven’t already to gain access to more information including our monthly prayer guide.

The Real Miracle of Christmas is God's Unfailing Love

As we have been reflecting on the Christmas season and what that looks like in the life of REAP, we were drawn to this verse over and over again.

Deuteronomy 10:18 says, “He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.”

The world we live in is far from just. We see that every day when we look into the eyes of our precious Springbuds — many orphaned or abandoned by no fault of their own. The injustices of our world can lay heavy on the heart — as they should. God calls us to consider what breaks his heart as it should break ours too.

But that is the beauty and real miracle of Christmas. Innocence in a manger coming to bring justice to those that could not fight for it themselves. Pure love coming for those who had never experienced it before. Protection for the most vulnerable. Redemption coming to make what was broken, right again.

It is that unfailing love that we all get to experience. And when we do, it will not only change our own lives but the lives of everyone around us.

When we embrace the unfailing love and pursuit of a perfect God, we find ourselves becoming more generous, more concerned with justice for others, more protective of the most vulnerable, and ready to fight for them.

We pray your Christmas season is warm, beautiful, and filled with love from those around you. But we hope you will also take a moment to ponder the great, unfailing love that God has shown each of us and consider how you can take that love and turn it into action in your own life.

We also want to thank so many of you for your incredible donations this year that enables us to provide Christmas gifts to our Springbuds and meet many of their needs. You are living a Deuteronomy 10:18 life.

Please keep our Springbuds in your prayers during this season as well as our church planters who continue their important work all year long.

We wish you a Merry Christmas filled with the love of our great God, family, and friends. ❤️

Much to Be Thankful For

It’s the perfect time to reflect on all that we are thankful for here at REAP.

An Amazing Second Annual Picnic in the Grove

We had our best fundraiser to date this year. We’re so grateful for everyone who came out and even more thankful for everyone that helped us raise $160,000 to go towards church planting, the Bakri Project, and the Springbuds!

Springbuds Growing

We were able to add 9 new children to our home in Shihaphumi this year. A true blessing! With COVID restrictions finally being lifted, we will also be able to begin work on the new school building for our Springbuds.

Lives Changed + Souls Reached

Our church planters have done so much amazing work over the past year. We could not be more grateful for these amazing men and their families.

Our Incredible Donors

“Grateful” is not a big enough word for how we feel about you — our donors and supporters. Thank you for believing in the mission of REAP and giving towards it faithfully. We could not do this work without you.

Our Faithful Father

Above all, we are overwhelmed with the faithfulness that God has shown us over this year. Time and time again He has shown up, met our needs, and allowed us to continue our mission. All praise to Him for everything we have been able to accomplish this year.

We hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving and holiday season filled with love, gratitude, family, and friends.

Church Planting Update | October 2022

This month we are excited to share many different updates on our church plants in the Karnataka region. Take a look below for developments in our church planting efforts and how you can join us in prayer.

Pastor Surendra

This is Pastor Surendra's church. This particular area has been extremely difficult, and at times, dangerous to navigate. In fact, last week anti-Christian fanatics bribed the local police to disrupt their service on Sunday. They were also banned from gathering in a building they had previously rented for services. These people are passionate and brave though. They continue to show up, fellowship, and worship regardless. Truly amazing!

Pastor Pampapthy

Pastor Pampapthy recently met the first two men in the photo above. One of the men's legs is paralyzed and Pastor Pampapthy has been visiting him regularly, serving him by applying oil to his legs and praying over him. We’re so grateful for his servant’s heart.

Pastor Nagaraj

This is Pastor Naharaj at his church plant. It’s so exciting to see families and community members joining him in fellowship each week! We are excited about the growth of this plant and the people attending.

Pastor Yeriswamy

This is Pastor Yeriswamy with members of his church plant. He is constantly working to grow in wisdom and knowledge so he can best share the Gospel with both those already a part of his church plant and in the local community.

Pastor Yenkappa

This is Pastor Yenkappa pictured outside his church plant with many members. His plant is set in the Lambani community. We are hopeful that the Gospel will be received!

Pastor Sathish

This is Pastor Sathish. The family here’s here with in the photo are new to the church plant and to learning more about the Christian faith. One of their children is special needs. Pastor Sathish and his church plant are working to minister and support them as they navigate challenges and work to create the best environment for their child.

Let’s Lift Them Up in Prayer

Every single one of these incredible men has been faithful and diligent in the church planting process and continues to work hard, against all obstacles to serve the people they come across.

We are blessed to have so many godly men working in our organization.

Let’s lift up special prayers for each of them this month.