As we have been reflecting on the Christmas season and what that looks like in the life of REAP, we were drawn to this verse over and over again.
Deuteronomy 10:18 says, “He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.”
The world we live in is far from just. We see that every day when we look into the eyes of our precious Springbuds — many orphaned or abandoned by no fault of their own. The injustices of our world can lay heavy on the heart — as they should. God calls us to consider what breaks his heart as it should break ours too.
But that is the beauty and real miracle of Christmas. Innocence in a manger coming to bring justice to those that could not fight for it themselves. Pure love coming for those who had never experienced it before. Protection for the most vulnerable. Redemption coming to make what was broken, right again.
It is that unfailing love that we all get to experience. And when we do, it will not only change our own lives but the lives of everyone around us.
When we embrace the unfailing love and pursuit of a perfect God, we find ourselves becoming more generous, more concerned with justice for others, more protective of the most vulnerable, and ready to fight for them.
We pray your Christmas season is warm, beautiful, and filled with love from those around you. But we hope you will also take a moment to ponder the great, unfailing love that God has shown each of us and consider how you can take that love and turn it into action in your own life.
We also want to thank so many of you for your incredible donations this year that enables us to provide Christmas gifts to our Springbuds and meet many of their needs. You are living a Deuteronomy 10:18 life.
Please keep our Springbuds in your prayers during this season as well as our church planters who continue their important work all year long.
We wish you a Merry Christmas filled with the love of our great God, family, and friends. ❤️