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95% Unbelievers
Predominantly Hindu, Muslim, and animistic worldviews toward God and man
Spirituality marked by mystical beliefs and values - blindness builds barriers to the gospel
Truth is considered a threat to the practicing cultures
Perverted worship that results from a multi-god system
Intolerance toward other faiths increases fanaticism and brutality
Threats and killings for religious causes are on the rise
Legal Obstacles
Laws are made to suppress Christian activity
Secularism and religious freedom are being given new restrictive interpretations
The Christian mission will be made extremely challenging by new laws
Untrained Pastors
Most of the pastors who are serving and working among the people are theologically, biblically, and missionally untrained
Many current training programs are irrelevant to the existing issues and challenges
Pastors working in remote regions do not have access to productive training programs
Not reaching the Community
Many churches are not bridging the gap between believers and non-Christian communities
Christians are not equipped to reach these undiscipled communities
Special training programs need to be offered to prepare the Christians to reach out to the masses in the country