REAP International

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The Growing Harvest of Church Planting

Please note: Specific locations and names have been removed for the safety and protection of our team in India. 

Fifteen years ago, our team visited a quiet, remote village in India—a place where few would expect a thriving church community to take root. At that time it was home to a small clinic and there was no permanent church meeting space. On our recent trip, we were deeply moved to witness the transformation. It is now a vibrant community with a growing church, and the development of the area mirrors the spiritual growth that has taken place. Worshiping there was a joyful reminder of how God has worked through our church planting efforts.

During our visit, we spent time with the pastor and his family who have faithfully shepherded this community for years. It was such a blessing to once again join the members of this church for Sunday worship. The unity and passion of these believers are a living testament to what God can accomplish when we remain committed to His mission.

Church Planting: A Vision for Discipling Nations

This is just one example of our broader church planting efforts across South Asia. Our vision is bold and clear: to see one church for every 10,000 people in this region. This is more than just a goal—it’s a commandment to "disciple the nations through churches." As part of this mission, our 100 Church Plants Initiative has become a benchmark for us, fueling our dedication to build and multiply healthy, reproducing churches.

We believe that strategic partnerships and mobilizing passionate leaders are key to making this vision a reality. Every donation to this cause helps train and support church planters, mobilizing them for the work God has called them to do.

The Church Planting Process

1. Surveying and Selecting Leaders
Every church plant begins with prayerful consideration of the location. We start by surveying areas in need of a church presence and then identifying key local leaders from those provinces who are committed to our vision of church multiplication. These leaders are vital to the process as they know the community and have the heart to shepherd their people.

2. Recruiting and Training
The selected leaders go through an intensive vetting process. They are invited to nominate candidates who have shown potential for church planting. These candidates undergo initial training and are sent out for a six-month trial period to determine if they are a good fit for our methods. Only those who remain faithful and diligent during this time are selected for the full three-year program. During these three years, they receive not only training but also financial support, supervision, and mentoring.

3. Planting Churches and Making Disciples
The goal is not just to plant churches but to plant reproducing churches—ones that disciple new believers and raise up new leaders. Each church planter is equipped to establish sustainable and reproducible churches that will continue to grow long after the initial church plant. We believe that by focusing on making disciples, these churches will carry a lasting and far-reaching impact.

A Movement of Multiplication

Our mission is simple but powerful: to plant churches that will plant more churches. Our hope is that each church planter will be fully equipped to continue planting churches throughout their region after completing the program. We’re not interested in simply relocating existing believers—we want to see the gospel take root in new hearts and minds, creating a movement of disciples and churches that will multiply across India and beyond.

From a humble beginning to a flourishing church, we have seen firsthand what happens when God’s people are faithful to His calling. As we press on with our mission, we look forward to seeing countless more communities transformed by the power of the gospel.

Join Us in This Mission

The journey of church planting is far from over. There are still countless villages and communities waiting to hear the Good News, waiting for the light of Christ to reach them. Your support helps us continue this mission. Together, we can see the vision of one church for every 10,000 people become a reality across all of South Asia. Let’s continue to disciple the nations, one church at a time.